Mobile phones or Cell Phones have become a basic necessity and an inevitable part for many people throughout the world. The ability to keep in touch with family, business associates and access to email are only a few of the reasons for the increasing importance of Cell phones. Mobile phones have made personal and group communications much easier providing the users the freedom to move around while staying connected all the time. The Internet is one of the biggest blessings to man by technology and the Mobile phones have really made the modern world getting addicted to social networking sites through this internet. Google reported that, for the first time in history, the number of mobile web searches finally surpassed desktop searches and as the years go by, usage of mobile is expected to become even more prominent. The mobile phone business is on a growth trajectory due to the consistent emergence of new phone models. What makes this a promising venture is the competition between mobile phone brands to produce better models that are more appealing to the users. Phone users are also looking for better gadgets with more advanced features. With new players like JIO entering the market and unveiling cheap data plans, there is tremendous scope for growth of the mobile phone market in India. This means that the mobile phone business is here to stay and along with the phone business, the mobile phone repair industry is also growing by leaps & bounds all over the world.
Electronic products like Mobile phones are sensitive, vulnerable and are likely to be out of order in its day to day usage. As per a recent study, one cell phone breaks in every two seconds around the globe. Due to the ever increasing number of Smart phones, there is also a huge need for mobile phone repairing services. As Smart phones become ever more complex, so the likelihood of faults increases, raising the prospect of even more demand for repair services in the coming years. Some branded companies have their own service centres in the metros and big cities but due to a gap in between demand and service provided, alternative servicing centres with qualitative service at optimum price are also highly in demand. This demand is more in rural areas for which enough potential is available for setting up of mobile phone Sales and Repairing Service units in small towns and villages.
Due to a sudden growth in the mobile phone industry resulting into never-ending and never reducing demand for mobile phones, making it one of the remunerative retail business options in India providing numerous career opportunities that rely on this industry. Hence, this growing demand of Mobile phones has indeed opened up a profitable business opportunity for entrepreneurs interested in starting a Mobile Phone retail store cum repairing service business. However, the success of the Mobile phone retail business depends heavily on the marketing plan, how clients are handles and the quality of the products or services. Here, working on updating the stock on regular basis is recommended so that the most demanded phones are never missed out.
A Project Report is not only essential for obtaining financial assistance from Bank/ Financial Institution/Funding Agency but also the most important document either to participate in the development schemes of MSME Sector/ Department of Industries or in completing various time consuming government formalities connected with planning and commercial operation of the proposed business project.
This Detail Project Report (DPR)/ Business Plan has been developed in a well-structured PDF Format (Easy to Download, Convert into MS WORD through, Edit for Personalised Customisation and Finally Printing the Report) to be presented as a Ready Project Proposal immediately thereby saving precious time of the promoter in the process of completing requisite formalities in anticipation of setting up the business project. Accordingly, following Project Templates has been deliberately left blank in order to facilitate customisation by the perspective entrepreneurs based on personal requirements and furnish necessary information on actual basis.
§ Project at a Glance : To be Filled Up as per Personal Requirements.
[Total Capital Expenditure, Working Capital, Estimated Cost of the Project, Amount of Bank Loan, Amount of Equity Capital and Amount of applicable Margin Money Subsidy – (Urban/Rural /General Category/ Special Category)].
§ General Information and Location : To be Furnished in the Blank Space.
[Name of the Unit/Firm, Address of the Proposed Project Location, Size of the Space Available and Occupancy under Ownership/Lease Agreement].
§ Promoter’s Background : To be Furnished in the Blank Space.
[Name of the Promoter, Age, Communication Address, Educational Qualification, Work Experience and Special Training Attended, if Any].
The Project Report/ Business Plan so presented include all the important aspects containing the following details;
The presentation also supplements with important facts and useful information covering the areas as indicated below;
Thus the information provided would help in identifying in advance the infrastructure/resources required for the Project and approach the concerned government agencies accordingly. Hence, it becomes a complete document for further action towards realising the dream of becoming an entrepreneur.